Welcome to the Curling Science Research Project Page
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This page provides information from the research project on Curling as a Science since 2015.
- 29. Nov. 2017 One presentation from our project will be made on the 5th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS2017), at Funchial Madeira, Portugal.
- 15. Sep. 2017 One presentation from our project was taken on the Fall Symposium on the Operations Research Society of Japan (ORSJ2017) at Suita.
30. Jul. 2017 One Participation from our project was given in the Panel Discussion The Future of the Curling Kingdom on Sports! Hokkaido Forum, at Kitami, Japan.
- 28. Jul. 2017 One invited talk from our project was made on Asia Pacific Society for Computing and Information Technology (APSCIT2017) Annual Meeting, at Sapporo, Japan
- 07. Nov. 2016 One presentation from our project was made on the 4th International Conference on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSports 2016), at Porto, Portugal.
- 04. Sep. 2016 One invited talk from our project was made on the 65th Annual Conference on Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry, at Sapporo, Japan
- 20. Jul. 2016 One presentation from our project was made on the International Conference on Biomechanics in Sports (ISBS2016), at Tsukuba University, Tsukuba.
- 13. Mar. 2016 We reported about several topics in the research project in the curling seminar at the Dogin Curling Stadium, Sapporo.
- 07. Mar. 2016 One research paper on curling informatics appeared in the International Journal of Arutomation Technology, vol.10, no. 2.
- 27. Sep. 2015 We held the panel discussion, three presentations, and three demos on the EC2015 at Hokkaido University, Sapporo.
- 17. Sep. 2015 Two presentations from our project were taken on the Forum of Information Technology 2015 (FIT2015) at Ehime University, Matsuyama.
- 11. Sep. 2015 One presentation from our project was taken on the Fall Symposium on the Operations Research Society of Japan (ORSJ2015) at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kita Kyushu.
- 02. Sep. 2015 Four presentations from our project were taken on the2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (IEEE-CIG15) at the Tainan.
- 28. Aug. 2015 We held the panel discussion on the CEDEC2015 at the Pacifico Yokohama.
- Research
Curling Informatics Development of a platform for collecting/sharing game information and methods to analyze game information for considering tactics/strategies
Curling Robotics Development of a robot which can play curling with human players
Digital Culing Development of a platform for artificial intelligence curling, and research on tactics/strategies by cognitive science
JIRITSU-KUN Development of an artificial intelligence which plan curling tactics/strategies
Tracking of Moving Stone Development of methods to measure position of moving stone
- Development of a method to measure sweeping power
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Copyright. the Curling Science Research Project all right reserved. 2015. 2016.